
Foreign Minister Steinmeier: Responsibility for Ukraine’s future and national unity

22.02.2014 - Press release

Foreign Minister Steinmeier issued the following statement in Berlin on Saturday (22 February) on the situation in Ukraine:

“We have now had two days without any more deaths in Kyiv, but we remain concerned for Ukraine. In this critical situation, everyone involved needs to be aware of the responsibility they bear for Ukraine’s future and its national unity. Both sides must take care not to create circumstances that could have disastrous consequences.

I appeal in all urgency to those with political responsibility, who must now put a stop to political escalation and ensure that good judgement prevails. Channels of communication and willingness to compromise regardless of political camp or regional difference are needed now more than ever. All political decisions have to be guided by the need to preserve Ukraine’s territorial integrity and national unity. The existing constitutional order is the legal framework for all political decisions.

Ukraine now needs a functioning interim government to be put in place as soon as possible to safeguard public order throughout the country. The agreement mediated by Germany, France and Poland provides a sensible road map for that, which has the support of both sides.

We welcome the news that Yulia Tymoshenko was released today. I hope she is in good health. She too bears great responsibility for her country’s future.”

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