
Minister of State Michael Roth appointed Commissioner for Franco‑German Cooperation

08.01.2014 - Press release

Michael Roth, Minister of State at the Federal Foreign Office, was appointed Commissioner for Franco‑German Cooperation by the Federal Cabinet today (8 January 2014).

Minister of State Roth is thus now responsible for coordinating Franco‑German cooperation at governmental level and will seek to ensure close coordination with France in both bilateral and European issues. Another key focus of his work will be furthering civil‑society, regional and cross‑border cooperation between the two countries.

Minister of State issued the following statement to mark his appointment:

A close partnership based on mutual trust between Germany and France is essential if Europe is to move forward. This is truer than ever in 2014.

This year we are commemorating crucial historical events: the centenary of the start of the First World War and the 75th anniversary of the outbreak of the Second World War. 2014 also marks the 25th anniversary of the peaceful revolutions in Central and Eastern Europe which brought us Europeans back together again.

I agree with my French colleague Thierry Repentin that it is especially important in this anniversary year to bring home to people that Europe is more than just the euro and crisis management. Above all, Europe is a community of shared values and solidarity. We want to work together to map out the way ahead.

Further information:

On the French side, Thierry Repentin, the Minister Delegate for European Affairs at the French Foreign Ministry, has been responsible for Franco‑German relations since March 2013.

Michael Roth’s very first trip abroad as Minister of State on 18 December 2013 took him to Paris where he met his counterpart, Thierry Repentin.

The next Franco‑German intergovernmental consultations, due to take place in Paris on 19 February 2014, will be an important forthcoming event on our bilateral agenda.

The Commissioners are both assisted by a Deputy Commissioner on exchange from the Foreign Ministry of the other country.

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