
Funding secured for new tram line across the Rhine: Strasbourg and Kehl to move even closer together

10.12.2013 - Press release

After the recent commitments from Germany and France to grant funding for the extension of a tram line from the French city of Strasbourg to the German town of Kehl, the two Commissioners for Franco‑German Cooperation underline that it will help to bring people in the Upper Rhine region even closer together.

After the recent commitments from Germany and France to grant funding for the extension of a tram line from the French city of Strasbourg to the German town of Kehl, the two Commissioners for Franco‑German Cooperation, Ministers of State Michael Georg Link and Thierry Repentin, issued the following statement:

The great project of building a tram line between Strasbourg and Kehl across the Rhine is taking shape. We have worked hard from the beginning to realise this project, which is designed to build bridges in the truest sense of the word. The new tram line will not only reduce traffic on the Pont de l’Europe bridge. It will also help to bring people in the Upper Rhine region even closer together. This cross‑border tram line will provide another powerful impetus for this dynamic European region spanning both sides of the Rhine.

We are delighted that joint Franco‑German financing has paved the way for this forward‑looking project, and would especially like to thank Land Baden‑Württemberg and the City and Urban Community of Strasbourg for their dedication and financial support. We are particularly pleased that the European Union has made a substantial contribution to this project via its INTERREG fund for the Upper Rhine region. This shows us once more how much Europe helps improve the everyday lives of our citizens.

Further information:

The Alsatian city of Strasbourg and the border town of Kehl in Land Baden‑Württemberg agreed to extend the Strasbourg tram line “D” all the way to Kehl across the Rhine. In spring 2012 the Governments of Germany and France concluded an international agreement to approve this cooperation project.

The project will be co‑financed by the two countries. In Germany, part of the costs will be borne by the Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development. It will make available funds of roughly 19 million euros from its federal programme under the Community Transport Financing Act. In addition, Land Baden‑Württemberg and the town of Kehl will make contributions. The French funding plan envisages contributions from the French Government (to the tune of ten million euros), the Alsace regional council, the general council of the Département of Bas‑Rhin and the City and Urban Community of Strasbourg. These will be complemented by funds from the EU’s INTERREG fund for the Upper Rhine region.

Work on the tram line is scheduled to begin in the course of 2014. A key component of the project is the construction of a new bridge over the Rhine which will serve as a further transport link between the two cities and countries.

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