
Foreign Minister Westerwelle sorry to see Prime Minister Fayyad resign

14.04.2013 - Press release

Foreign Minister Westerwelle issued the following statement in response to the resignation of Salam Fayyad, Prime Minister of the Palestinian Authority:

I am very sorry that Prime Minister Fayyad has resigned. Our working relationship over recent years was shaped by good cooperation and a spirit of trust. As Prime Minister, Salam Fayyad played a major part in the considerable progress that has been made towards laying the foundations of Palestinian statehood.
We will continue to strive alongside our partners to get the Middle East peace process back on track through direct negotiations about a fair two-state solution.

According to Federal Foreign Office sources, Foreign Minister Westerwelle spoke to Prime Minister Fayyad on the phone during the last few days to express his recognition and appreciation with regard to the Prime Minister’s work.

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