Germany Year in Russia: Minister of State Pieper and President Gruss of the Max Planck Society for the Promotion of Sciences open new Science Tunnel in Moscow
It will be a proud moment for our research and academic relations policy, thanks to the Max Planck Society for the Promotion of Sciences. At the Moscow Artplay Design Centre on 10 April 2013 Federal Foreign Office Minister of State Cornelia Pieper and Max Planck Society President Peter Gruss will jointly open the Science Tunnel, a new Max Planck multimedia exhibition.
The walk-through digital installation spotlighting Germany as a research location is being shown for the first time abroad. It presents current basic research trends around the world and explores how scientific, technological and social innovations can help address real‑life problems.
The Science Tunnel is part of the Germany Year in Russiaprogramme. Its next stop after Moscow will be St Petersburg. The Federal Foreign Office funded the newly configured Science Tunnel 3.0 with 264,000 euros and provided a further sum of around 580,000 euros for its two stops in Moscow and St Petersburg.
The guests at the opening ceremony will include Mikhail Shvydkoy, the Russian President’s Special Envoy for International Cultural Cooperation.