
Westerwelle: North Korea must ensure the safety of the embassies

06.04.2013 - Press release

A Federal Foreign Office spokesperson issued the following statement today (6 April):

Foreign Minister Westerwelle categorically and unequivocally expects North Korea to live up to its commitments under international law and to reliably guarantee the safety and operation of the diplomatic missions in the country at all times.

The threatening scenario created by North Korea and its bellicose rhetoric are unacceptable and seriously jeopardize stability in the region.

As regards the Embassy’s safety, there is ongoing coordination, especially with those international partners which have also embassies in North Korea.

The safety of the German Embassy is permanently being reviewed by constantly evaluating the security situation and threat level. Foreign Minister Westerwelle is being kept informed of developments. The Embassy will be able to function as normal for the foreseeable future.

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