
Chinese envoy summoned to Federal Foreign Office

01.03.2013 - Press release

A Federal Foreign Office spokesperson issued the following statement today (1 March):

“The envoy of the Chinese Embassy was summoned to the Federal Foreign Office today in response to the violent attack on German journalists in China.

It was made clear that this attack was absolutely unacceptable. The German side also expressed the clear expectation that this incident be investigated and that everything possible be done to avoid such incidents in the future.”

Background information:

Last Thursday (28 February) a team of German television reporters were violently attacked in China’s Hebei province. The German Embassy in Beijing immediately provided comprehensive consular support to the German journalists affected. The German Ambassador has also protested against the attack.

Restrictions on the work of foreign media in China are a regular and important topic of discussion in Foreign Minister Westerwelle’s conversations with his Chinese interlocutors.

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