
Federal Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle to speak at the presentation of a book on the Élysée Treaty

18.01.2013 - Press release

Federal Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle to speak at the presentation of a book on the Élysée Treaty

Today (18 January), Federal Foreign Minister Westerwelle is taking part in the presentation in Bonn of a book on the history of Franco-German friendship. The newly published work, by Armin Fuhrer and Norman Haß, is entitled A Friendship for Europe: The long journey to the Élysée Treaty (Eine Freundschaft für Europa. Der lange Weg zum Élysée-Vertrag).

At the Haus der Geschichte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, the national history museum, the well-known French author Professor Grosser and the President of the Foundation of the Haus der Geschichte, Professor Hütter, will also speak.

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