
International Day of the Girl Child at the Federal Foreign Office on 11 October 2012

10.10.2012 - Press release

Girls have the same rights as boys. Unfortunately, their rights are nevertheless being systematically violated in many countries. Girls are not allowed to attend school, they are forced to work or they are ignored, abused and sold.

The UN General Assembly established the International Day of the Girl Child to draw attention to these evils and to enforce girls’ rights not only on paper but also in practice. This Day is being observed for the first time this year.

Together with the non-governmental organization “Plan International”, the Federal Foreign Office is holding a discussion panel on the International Day of the Girl Child. Girls and boys will have the opportunity to debate about their rights with State Secretary Emily Haber, Canada’s Ambassador to Germany, Peter Michael Boehm, and civil society representatives. The question of how to improve the situation of girls throughout the world, but also in Germany, will be discussed. There will be a special programme for children and young people.

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