
Minister of State Link: Progress on UN Small Arms Programme of Action

11.09.2012 - Press release

During the Review Conference on the Programme of Action on Small Arms and Light Weapons from 27 August to 7 September, United Nations member states confirmed their commitment to fight illegal arms trading and to protect children in armed conflict.

In this connection Minister of State Link commented as follows:

The conference on the Small Arms Programme of Action is a major step forward. The international community has undertaken to step up its commitment to fight illegal firearms and protect women and children in armed conflict. We would have wished for a more ambitious result. Yet for all United Nations member states to agree on a common goal and on concrete measures to reach this goal is in itself an important contribution to conflict prevention and disarmament. This progress spurs us to keep working for arms control and disarmament, for example through an International Arms Trade Treaty.

More information:

The Review Conference on the Programme of Action on Small Arms and Light Weapons held under Nigerian chairmanship ended on 7 September.

The German Government will provide 500,000 euros to finance projects implemented by the newly established UN fund to combat illegal small arms.

Throughout the world, no other type of weapon claims more lives than small arms do.

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