Statement by Federal Foreign Minister Westerwelle on Syria
Federal Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle issued the following statement in Berlin today (19 July):
“The violence has now returned to its point of origin, the Assad regime’s centre of power in Damascus. That is both a direct consequence and the result of the Assad regime’s brutal policies and intransigence.
Today the international community once again has the opportunity to initiate a political solution and prevent further bloodshed.
We call on the international community, on all members of the Security Council, to act now and send a clear signal rejecting violence, a clear signal against the oppression by Assad’s regime.
We can only stop this vicious circle of violence and prevent a logic of war from taking hold if the Security Council speaks with one voice and agrees on a resolution subjecting Assad’s regime to tough, non‑military sanctions if Kofi Annan’s peace plan is not implemented.
People are dying. And Moscow and Beijing are still hesitating. I urgently appeal to Russia and China to do their political and humanitarian duty, to live up to their obligations in this regard, to assume responsibility for the people in Syria and to contribute to stability in the region as a whole.
The opposition in Syria must also do its part and prevent acts of revenge, protect minorities and stay focused on the path to a political solution for the transition.”