
Foreign Minister Westerwelle to speak at the German-Brazilian Business Forum

02.07.2012 - Press release

On Tuesday, 3 July, Federal Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle will address the 30th German-Brazilian Business Forum in Frankfurt am Main.

The German-Brazilian Business Forum, this year held from 1 to 3 July in Frankfurt am Main, is the central platform for deepening Germany’s intensive economic relations with Brazil. The country is one of the up-and-coming global growth markets and is already Germany’s most important economic partner in Latin America. The Business Forum is organized by the Federation of German Industries and the Federation of Brazilian Industries (CNI). This year, the Forum will focus particularly on supporting cooperation between SMEs.

Here you can read a recent interview by Foreign Minister Westerwelle on the important role Brazil plays in German foreign policy:

Interview Westerwelle: “Die Welt” , 02.07.2012 (German)

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