
Foreign Minister Westerwelle on the suspension of the Arab League’s observer mission in Syria

28.01.2012 - Press release

A Federal Foreign Office spokesperson commented as follows on the Arab League’s suspension of its observer mission in Syria:

“Foreign Minister Westerwelle sees the Arab League’s announced suspension of its observer mission in Syria as a critical sign that the violence in Syria continues to escalate.
This makes it even more urgent for the UN Security Council to take a clear stand on the situation there.
The text now on the table drafted by European and Arab countries alike is a good basis for a resolution categorically condemning the Syrian regime’s brutal crackdown.
The Security Council should conclude its deliberations swiftly and in a focused manner in the light of the forthcoming report by Arab League Secretary General El Araby.
Foreign Minister Westerwelle calls on all those who have been hesitant to support this approach to drop their opposition. Given the deteriorating situation in the country, such a resolution is long overdue.”

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