
Minister of State Hoyer concerned about health of former Ukrainian interior minister Lutsenko

22.09.2011 - Press release

The ailing former Interior Minister of Ukraine, Yuri Lutsenko, has been detained since 26 December 2010 in Lukyanivska Prison, where, according to the Ukrainian ombudswoman for human rights, prisoners are held in “inhumane conditions”.

Minister of State Werner Hoyer issued the following statement today (22 September) in Berlin:

Yuri Lutsenko is accused of misappropriation of state funds and abuse of office. His trial has been underway since May 2011. According to a medical assessment, he is suffering from cirrhosis of the liver and is in danger of developing cancer as a result. On 19 September 2011, the responsible judge once again denied a request to transfer Lutsenko to hospital for medical treatment.

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