
Minister of State Hoyer condemns escalation of violence in Yemen

20.09.2011 - Press release

The situation in the Yemeni capital Sana’a has deteriorated considerably. Over the past two days dozens of people have been killed and many injured in violent clashes between demonstrators and the security forces. The violence is continuing.

Minister of State Werner Hoyer issued the following statement today (20 September):

“I condemn this latest outbreak of violence in Yemen in the strongest possible terms.
The escalation in the situation over recent days provides tragic proof that Yemen cannot wait any longer for a political fresh start.
The longer the country is denied this fresh start, the greater the risk that more people will be killed or injured.
All actors in this extremely delicate situation are called upon to end the violence and provocation immediately and at long last to begin negotiations on the basis of the Gulf Cooperation Council’s proposal.
President Saleh’s remarks, which are mere lip service, are of no help at all. A credible fresh start in politics means not only the formation of a transitional government and early elections but also reform of the security forces.”

On 12 September President Saleh instructed his Vice-President, Abd‑Rabbouh Mansour Hadi, to conduct negotiations between the government and the opposition on a mechanism to implement the Gulf Cooperation Council’s initiative. Hadi was authorized on this basis to sign the initiative on the President’s behalf. Implementation of the initiative is to be overseen by the Vice-President and by regional and international bodies. It aims to introduce early presidential elections and to ensure a peaceful, democratic handover of power in Yemen.

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