Foreign Minister Westerwelle welcomes Libya resolution
The UN Security Council yesterday night adopted a new resolution on Libya.
Speaking today (17 September) in Berlin, Federal Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle commented on this as follows:
“With its unanimous adoption of Resolution 2009, the Security Council has sent an important message of international community support for the new Libya.
It is right that the United Nations should play a key role, in the form of a civilian support mission, in helping build a democratic Libya based on the rule of law. With the precisely targeted lifting of the economic sanctions, the country’s economic and social reconstruction can now go ahead, too.
Germany is a partner of the new Libya. We will actively support it on its path towards a brighter future.”
The resolution envisages the establishment, initially for three months, of a civilian United Nations support mission (UNSMIL), which would have an advisory and coordinating role during the democratic transition process, as well as in the reconstruction effort and on security issues. Key elements of the economic sanctions have been lifted, so that Libyan banks and companies can now once again do business internationally. The sanctions against Gaddafi and his associates remain in force, however.