
Minister of State Pieper concerned about the situation in Sudan

07.09.2011 - Press release

The Minister of State at the Federal Foreign Office, Cornelia Pieper, issued the following statement today (7 September) on the tense situation in Sudan:

“The German Government is deeply concerned about the ongoing fighting in the northern Sudanese provinces of South Kordofan and Blue Nile. We call upon the parties to the conflict to cease the hostilities without delay and return to the negotiating table.
The German Government appeals to the SPLM to end the fighting and to continue the process of disarmament and dialogue. The Government in Khartoum and the SPLM in northern Sudan are obliged under the Comprehensive Peace Agreement of 2005 to find a way towards peaceful coexistence and reconciliation via a democratic process. In particular, the German Government urges the SPLM to recognize the outcome of the elections in South Kordofan.”

Minister of State Pieper welcomed Khartoum’s readiness to invite observers to monitor the border between North and South Sudan and called upon the two states to implement this agreement conscientiously and constructively.

During his visit to the Sudan on 23/24 June 2011, Federal Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle urged the parties to resolve the conflict in South Kordofan and to refrain from using force.

In the interest of people in the conflict zones, quick humanitarian assistance is essential. Germany will continue its commitment to support the peace processes in Sudan in close coordination with its partners and the international community. The German Government is appealing to all political forces in Sudan to participate constructively in these processes.

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