
Minister of State Pieper regrets inconvenience for Thailand’s Crown Prince

15.07.2011 - Press release

This evening Minister of State Cornelia Pieper welcomed the Kingdom of Thailand’s Foreign Minister, Kasit Piromya, to the Federal Foreign Office for in‑depth discussions. She was standing in for Federal Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle, who is currently on an official visit to Mexico.

The main topic discussed was the seizure of a Thai plane at Munich airport.

Vis‑à‑vis Foreign Minister Kasit Piromya, Minister of State Pieper made the following declaration:

“I regret the inconvenience the plane’s seizure has caused to the Crown Prince. The case is now in the hands of Germany’s independent judiciary.
I hope and trust that the matter of the plane’s seizure and the claim filed by the insolvency administrator can be speedily resolved.”

During the talks Minister of State Pieper pointed out that members of the German Government and the Federal Foreign Office itself had made repeated requests to the Thai Government for settlement of the outstanding claim filed by the administrator in the Walter Bau GmbH insolvency proceedings.

Both Foreign Minister Kasit Piromya and Minister of State Pieper highlighted the special nature of the friendship between Germany and Thailand and emphasized their common desire to ensure the matter did not place a strain on bilateral relations.

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