Federal Foreign Minister Westerwelle: Greek Parliament has lived up to its responsibilities towards Europe
Federal Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle issued the following statement today (29 June) on the adoption of the latest reform package by the Greek Parliament:
“Today the Greek Parliament has lived up to its responsibilities towards its own country and towards Europe. The decision in favour of a comprehensive package of austerity measures was the right one, and it was unavoidable.
The way is now clear for both the disbursement of the next tranche of international financial assistance and the approval of a new aid package.
This new aid package will only be successful if the measures agreed today are fully and rapidly implemented and if all sectors of society support the course of reform embarked upon.
This will be an uphill battle, but there is no alternative.
Greece may rest assured that its EU partners will stand by its side as it travels down this long and thorny road. Along with its partners in the EU, Germany has a vested interest in seeing the Greek economy return to stability and growth.”