
Federal Minister Westerwelle welcomes tougher EU sanctions against Syria

24.06.2011 - Press release

In view of the ongoing violent suppression of demonstrators and opposition forces in Syria, the European Union has today again extended its sanctions against the Syrian leadership.

Its list now includes a further seven persons said to be responsible for acts of violence against civilians. Three of them are members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, which is alleged to be aiding the brutal repression in Syria. In addition, four companies have been added to the list, the first Syrian juristic persons to be included in it. The sanctions entered into force today.

Federal Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle issued the following statement today (24 June):

“I welcome the further extension of the sanctions against Syria. Europe is not remaining silent about the brutal repression carried out by the Syrian regime, Europe is taking action.
We are also still working in the UN Security Council towards a statement by this top UN body condemning the incidents in Syria.
We call on President Assad once again to end the violence immediately and to finally change course, producing a credible response to the legitimate demands of the Syrian people.”

The Federal Foreign Office Head of Division for the Middle East met with Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem yesterday in Damascus and, on the instructions of Foreign Minister Westerwelle, told him clearly that the violence against his own people had to end immediately and a credible process of political reform had to be launched.

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