
Democratic Change in Egypt - The Federal Foreign Office calls for freedom of the press

17.03.2011 - Press release

Federal Foreign Minister Westerwelle and his Canadian opposite number Lawrence Cannon have agreed on a joint project to promote Egypt’s media sector. In the coming months in several local workshops, young Egyptian radio and newspaper journalists from all parts of the country will become qualified to provide independent and professional election reporting with a view to the planned parliamentary and presidential elections. They will also be supported in their everyday work by Egyptian and international journalism experts.

More than 300,000 euro in joint funds are being made available.

Germany supports democratic change in the southern Mediterranean countries.

After the revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt, Federal Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle offered both countries a partnership for transformation on behalf of the German Government. The goal is to promote the building up of structures for democracy and the rule of law, to strengthen civil society, and contribute to economic and social progress by providing concrete aid as equal partners. Those are also the goals of the European Union’s Partnership for Democracy and Shared Prosperity, which owes much to the input of the German Government.

The first bilateral projects are getting underway. One of the priorities is creating a free media sector as a cornerstone for all democratic development.

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