
Minister of State Hoyer concerned over escalating tensions in Bahrain

15.03.2011 - Press release

The Government of Bahrain today declared a state of emergency for the next three months. Security forces from the Gulf Cooperation Council moved into Bahrain yesterday at the request of the government in Manama.

Werner Hoyer, Minister of State at the Federal Foreign Office, issued the following statement today (15 March) in Berlin:

“The German Government views the escalation of tensions in Bahrain with great concern.

The conflict in Bahrain is domestic in origin. Thus, it must be solved domestically and not through the presence of foreign troops. We call upon all sides to exercise the greatest possible restraint.

The declaration of a state of emergency likewise does not solve the problems underlying the conflict. What is needed now is an end to the violence as well as a start to a serious national dialogue between the government and the opposition.”

In view of current developments the Federal Foreign Office has stepped up its travel and security warning for Bahrain, and strongly advises that all non-essential travel to Bahrain be avoided. All those presently in the country for non-essential reasons are advised to leave.

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