
Federal Minister Westerwelle speaks on telephone with Mohamed El Baradei – deep concern about the violence in Cairo

02.02.2011 - Press release

Federal Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle spoke on the phone this afternoon with Mohamed ElBaradei, the former Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency. Mr ElBaradei gave an account of the current events in Egypt and expressed his deep concern about the escalating situation in Cairo.

Foreign Minister Westerwelle condemned the growing violence. After the telephone conversation, he issued the following statement:

“I call on the security agencies in Egypt not to use force against demonstrators. It is absolutely vital to avoid any further escalation of the situation. What’s more, the gangs of thugs must be stopped immediately.
The use of force to crush the protests is not acceptable to Germany or the international community.
The violent scenes on the streets of Cairo beg the pressing question whether Egypt’s political leaders have understood the need to swiftly move towards democracy.”

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