
EU-LAC Foundation comes to Hamburg – Federal Minister Westerwelle sends message of congratulations

25.01.2011 - Press release

The EU-LAC Foundation will be based in Hamburg. This was decided today at a joint meeting of the Senior Officials of the EU and the states of Latin America in Brussels.

Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs Guido Westerwelle made the following statement on this issue today (25 January) in Berlin:

“As a cosmopolitan Hanseatic city with a long tradition of close ties with Latin America, Hamburg is ideally suited as home to the new Foundation. I am glad that we were able to persuade our EU and Latin American partners to opt for this impressive candidacy. I congratulate Hamburg on this success!
This choice of seat is all the more important as Germany’s Latin America policy must be embedded in a European context as envisaged in the Federal Government’s new Latin America concept.
By launching this Foundation, the EU has highlighted the importance of the European-Latin American partnership, thus lending it a new dimension.”

The EU-LAC Foundation is designed to promote cooperation between the EU, Latin America and the Caribbean, thus making a key contribution to taking relations between the two regions to a new level. Federal Minister Westerwelle has on several occasions come out strongly in favour of bringing the Foundation to Hamburg. It will function as a catalyst for joint strategies and joint action and will intensify the partnership between Europe and Latin America at all levels.

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