
“The two lives of Jack Terry”Presentation of TV documentary and discussion with Holocaust survivor

18.01.2011 - Press release

Presentation of ZDFneo TV documentary and discussion with Holocaust survivor Jack Terry at the Federal Foreign Office

“What will happen when we are gone?” 80-year-old Holocaust survivor Jack Terry asks himself. Terry worries that remembrance of the victims will fade away, that the mass murder of Jews by Nazi Germany could eventually become just a footnote in the annals of world history.

Wolfgang Kramer and Karsten Deventer have accompanied Jack Terry on a journey through his two lives for the television station ZDFneo. Their travels take them first to New York, where Terry enjoys his second life, then into his first life in occupied Poland and the Flossenbürg concentration camp in northeastern Bavaria. The resulting documentary, “The two lives of Jack Terry”, will be broadcast on ZDFneo on Friday, 21 January, at 9.45 pm.

The Federal Foreign Office and ZDFneo will present the film to the public on Wednesday, 19 January. Minister of State Cornelia Pieper and Marek Prawda, Ambassador of the Republic of Poland, will introduce the film. Following the screening, Jack Terry will join ZDF Programme Director Thomas Bellut and ZDF screenwriter Wolfgang Kramer in answering questions from Basil Kerski, editor-in-chief of the German-Polish magazine “Dialog”.

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