Germany increases contribution to the Hariri Tribunal
The German Government is transferring an additional 1.5 million euro to the Special Tribunal for Lebanon for 2011. By doing this it – along with other donor states – is signalling its continued support for the Special Tribunal’s work.
In this connection, Federal Minister Westerwelle stressed that it was in the interests of both the international community and the people of Lebanon that light be shed on the circumstances surrounding the assassination of Rafik Hariri. He called on all political forces in Lebanon to support the Tribunal and went on to say that threats aimed at obstructing the Special Tribunal’s work were unacceptable.
The main task of the Tribunal established by the UN Security Council is to investigate the attack on 14 February 2005 which left the then Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri and 22 other persons dead. The aim of the investigation is to find evidence of individual guilt and not to establish political responsibility.
Germany has been providing the Special Tribunal for Lebanon with both personnel and funding since its establishment in 2007. It is a member of the Management Committee set up by the UN Secretary-General and which is composed of the Tribunal’s key donor countries. From 2008 to 2010, Germany made an annual contribution of one million US dollars.