
Building state structures – German-Palestinian Steering Committee meets in Ramallah

28.10.2010 - Press release

The development of effective state structures in the Palestinian territories is a prerequisite for a fair and comprehensive two-state solution in the Middle East.

Germany strongly supports the efforts of the Palestinian Authority in this direction. That’s why the Federal Government represented by Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle and the Palestinian Authority under Prime Minister Salam Fayyad established the German-Palestinian Steering Committee in Berlin on 18 May. Through this joint forum, the German Government intensifies its engagement in the Palestinian territories and binds this engagement more closely to the Palestinian Authority.

The German-Palestinian Steering Committee held a meeting of experts in Ramallah today (28 October). The discussions focused not only on the best possible implementation of development policy proposals but also on measures to benefit the people in the Palestinian territories directly, particularly through the building of state structures.

Agreement was reached on further close cooperation in key areas such as the water sector, economic development and strengthening the police force. This included the establishment of a contact point for German business in Ramallah, which is intended to bring together German and Palestinian entreprises and strengthen economic ties.

This year alone, the German Government has provided EUR 42.5 million for development projects. For 2010, German bi- and multilateral support for the Palestinian territories totals EUR 140 million.

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