
Federal Minister Westerwelle: important for direct negotiations to continue

07.10.2010 - Press release

Ahead of the Arab League’s meeting tomorrow to take stock of the peace talks between the Israelis and the Palestinians and after telephone calls with the Egyptian and Jordanian Foreign Ministers, Federal Foreign Minister Westerwelle today (7 October) issued the following statement:

“I hope and trust the Arab League will continue to give constructive support to the negotiating process between the conflict parties. Breaking off the talks will not benefit anyone. Everything possible must be done to ensure the parties can continue direct negotiations.
It is now up to the parties themselves to show farsightedness and courage in seeking solutions to all outstanding key issues.
Together with our partners we will continue to do everything in our power to support this process.”

This was also the tenor of the talks Federal Minister Westerwelle had on the telephone yesterday and today with Egyptian Foreign Minister Aboul Gheit and Jordanian Foreign Minister Nasser Judeh. Since the start of the direct negotiations on 1/2 September 2010 in Washington Egypt and Jordan have given the process active and ongoing backing.

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