Federal Minister Westerwelle – political stalemate in Iraq must end
Scores of people have been killed or injured in the centre of Baghdad this morning, in a suicide bomb attack targeted at army recruits. In response to the news, Federal Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle today (17 August) issued the following statement:
“I was shocked to hear of this latest suicide attack, which has cost so many innocent lives at the start of Ramadan, and I condemn the attack in the strongest possible terms. I would like to convey our condolences to the families of the victims, and to wish those injured a speedy recovery.
National reconciliation and democratic development are only possible in the long term within a stable environment. For this reason, I strongly urge political leaders in Iraq to end the political stalemate that has persisted since the last parliamentary elections. Only following the prompt formation of a properly functioning government will Iraq be capable of addressing the enormous challenges facing the country.
Germany will continue to do all in its power to support Iraq during the difficult process of democratic stabilization.”
Attacks against state institutions and members of various religious groups in Iraq have continued to increase in recent months. The number of attacks has risen compared with 2009. In July alone there were over 200.
Since the parliamentary elections of 7 March, all efforts to form a government in Iraq have so far failed.
Germany is supporting Iraq in the process of political, economic and social reconstruction through specific programmes. The Federal Government is giving special priority to human rights protection, the reform of the country’s judicial system and the development of a vocational education system.