
Federal Foreign Minister Westerwelle calls for restraint in Kyrgyzstan

11.06.2010 - Press release

Following the latest civil unrest in the south of Kyrgyzstan that has left many people dead or injured, Federal Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle has called for restraint on the part of all concerned.In this connection he issued the following statement today (11 June) in Tallin:

I am concerned about the latest clashes in the south of Kyrgyzstan, which have resulted in deaths and a large number of casualties.I call on all concerned to exercise restraint and avoid violence of any kind.Everything possible must be done to prevent the situation escalating yet again.

After the turmoil and instability of the past months, the country urgently needs a peaceful and democratic way forward. That is what the planned referendum and elections are intended to provide.

Germany – like the EU and the OSCE – remains ready to assist Kyrgyzstan in every way it can in building a future based on constitutional order and the rule of law.”

In the renewed unrest that broke out yesterday (10 June), several people have died and hundreds have been injured, some of them seriously.For the time being the security forces have the situation on the ground under control again.Other parts of the country – the north in particular – remain calm.

The Federal Foreign Office appeals to all German and European nationals to exercise special vigilance when travelling to and within Kyrgyzstan.At present they are advised not to travel to the south. They are recommended to avoid crowds and stay indoors after nightfall.

The Minister is receiving regular briefings on developments in Kyrgyzstan.The German Embassy in Bishkek is the only EU member state embassy in the country.

Read more on Germany's bilateral relations to Kyrgyzstan:

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