
“Friends of Yemen” meet at the Federal Foreign Office

03.06.2010 - Press release

Tomorrow, Friday (4 June), high-level representatives of the “Friends of Yemen” group will gather at the Federal Foreign Office at the invitation of Minister of State Werner Hoyer. This meeting is part of the international support for Yemen’s stability and development agreed at the London conference in January.

Delegations of the “Friends of Yemen” (G8 countries, the Gulf Cooperation Council, the EU, the IMF and the World Bank) and from the country itself will discuss specific contributions towards the stabilization of Yemen.

Minister of State Hoyer issued the following statement regarding the meeting:

“We need a stable Yemen, as the consequences of its continuing collapse would be disastrous for Yemen itself, the region and beyond. As the largest European donor of development aid for Yemen in past years Germany, along with the United Arab Emirates, is chairing one of the two working groups (economics and good governance). Our aim is to help Yemen achieve greater stability through an agenda of political and economic reforms backed up by the international community.”

At the London conference the “Friends of Yemen” agreed to more intensively coordinate international support and more closely involve Yemen’s neighbouring countries. In particular it was agreed that two working groups would help draw up an agenda of political and economic reforms for Yemen.

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