
Federal Foreign Minister Westerwelle has met with the Governor of Riyadh, H.R.H. Prince Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud

01.06.2010 - Press release

Bundesaußenminister Guido Westerwelle traf am 1. Juni 2010 in Berlin mit dem Gouverneur der Region Riad, Prinz Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud zusammen. Neben den bilateralen Wirtschaftsbeziehungen standen regionale Fragen wie die Lage im Nahen Osten und der Atomstreit mit dem Iran im Mittelpunkt der Gespräche.

Federal Foreign Minister Westerwelle met today (1 June) with the Governor of Riyadh, H.R.H. Prince Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud.

Their talks focused on bilateral topics relating to the economy as well as on regional issues, in particular the situation in the Middle East and the dispute over Iran’s nuclear programme.

Federal Foreign Minister Westerwelle praised Saudi Arabia for its role in the economic development of the Gulf region and urged German companies to participate in infrastructure projects in Saudi Arabia, particularly in the region of Riyadh.

With reference to the serious incident off the Gaza coast, Foreign Minister Westerwelle emphasized that everything must be done to avoid an escalation of the situation in the region. He said the events must be investigated in a neutral and transparent way. He added that because of the precarious humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip immediate access for humanitarian aid must be guaranteed.

With regard to the Iranian nuclear programme, the Federal Foreign Minister stressed that Iran must finally dispel the international community’s suspicions that it is seeking to develop nuclear weapons.

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