
Minister of State Hoyer on the situation in Nicaragua

22.04.2010 - Press release

Commenting on the domestic political situation in Nicaragua, Minister of State Werner Hoyer issued the following statement in Berlin today (22 April):

The German Government is concerned about the attacks in recent days carried out by Sandinista thugs on opposition members of parliament in Nicaragua. It calls on the government in Managua to ensure that the members of parliament are protected and can exercise their constitutional rights and parliamentary duties.

Together with our European partners, we will continue to monitor the situation in Nicaragua closely.”


Over the last few days, MPs belonging to the opposition parties have been prevented from entering parliament, and some were also physically attacked, by violent followers of President Ortega, a member of the Sandinista party in Nicaragua. Through these actions, the protestors want to prevent parliament from addressing a controversial decree that extends the terms of officials working for the judicial and election authorities, whose mandate has expired. The decree primarily benefits officials who are close to President Ortega.

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