
Weimar Triangle of European Affairs Ministers in Warsaw

29.01.2010 - Press release

On 1 February Minister of State Werner Hoyer conferred with his Polish and French opposite numbers Mikołaj Dowgielewicz and Pierre Lellouche at a meeting of the European affairs ministers of the Weimar Triangle. It was the first meeting of the Weimar Triangle’s ministers of European affairs since the new German Government took office.

On 1 February Minister of State Werner Hoyer will confer with his Polish and French opposite numbers Mikołaj Dowgielewicz and Pierre Lellouche at a meeting of the European affairs ministers of the Weimar Triangle. This will be the first meeting of the Weimar Triangle’s ministers of European affairs since the new German Government took office.

Commenting on the forthcoming meeting, Minister of State Hoyer noted today (29 January) that the Weimar Triangle was an excellent vehicle for giving European integration a further major boost. “Together with our partners in Paris and Warsaw, we’re keen to make the most of the opportunities the Weimar Triangle offers”, he explained.

The talks in Warsaw will focus on a common economic strategy for Europe, the post Copenhagen climate negotiations and energy security in Europe. The agenda will also include the EU’s Eastern Partnership, relations with Ukraine and European security policy. After the meeting the three European affairs ministers will attend a seminar entitled “Weimar Visions for the EU’s Activities over the Next Five Years”.

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