
Presentation of the German-Polish Prize at the Federal Foreign Office

16.12.2009 - Press release

This coming Friday (18 December), Federal Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle will be welcoming Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski for bilateral talks at the Federal Foreign Office. During the meeting the two Foreign Ministers will discuss current European and international issues. Afterwards there will be a press conference.

From 6.30 pm the two Foreign Ministers will attend the presentation of this year’s German-Polish Prize. This year the prize, which was initiated under the 1991 German-Polish Treaty on Good-Neighbourliness and which is awarded for special services to German-Polish understanding and reconciliation, goes to literary translators Malgorzata Lukasiewicz and Karl Dedecius.

In this commemorative year, a further special prize will be awarded to former Polish President and Solidarity Chairman Lech Walesa and former Federal President Richard von Weizsäcker for their outstanding services to German-Polish relations.

Read more on Germany's bilateral relations to Poland:

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