
Westerwelle sees progress towards greater stability in Lebanon

11.12.2009 - Press release

After yesterday’s confirmation by the Lebanese Parliament of Prime Minister Hariri’s national unity Government, Federal Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle today (11 December) issued in Berlin the following statement:

“The Lebanese Parliament’s vote of confidence in the new Government means progress towards greater stability in the country. This is a positive signal for the region as well.

The new Lebanese Government faces major economic and societal challenges. The path of dialogue must be pursued actively and responsibly.

Working with our EU partners, Germany will continue to support Lebanon in strengthening its sovereignty and inner cohesion.”

Under Lebanon’s constitution, the Government must, on the basis of an agreed programme, obtain a vote of confidence in Parliament. Until that happens it can function only in a caretaker capacity. Yesterday (10 December) the all-party Government led by Saad Hariri won a vote of confidence in Parliament. This means it is now invested with the powers of the country’s constitutional government.

The general elections had taken place on 7 June 2009. The Government led by Prime Minister Hariri was appointed on 10 November 2009.

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