
Federal Minister Westerwelle condemns attacks in Baghdad

08.12.2009 - Press release

Commenting on the latest series of attacks on a number of government buildings in Baghdad, Federal Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle issued the following statement in Brussels today (8 December):

“I am deeply shocked at the brutal series of attacks in Baghdad in which dozens of people lost their lives or were seriously injured. I condemn these callous attacks in the strongest terms. I would like to convey our condolences to the families of the victims and wish those injured a speedy recovery.

The objective of these attacks is clearly to undermine the process of political stabilization in Iraq and to cause the violence there to further escalate. This cannot be allowed to happen. Only dialogue and reconciliation can bring about a peaceful future for all the people of Iraq - not violence.

Progress, such as the Iraqi Parliament’s recent agreement on an election law which paves the way for free, democratic elections in Iraq, is therefore even more important.

Together with our European partners, we will continue to support Iraq on its difficult journey to a peaceful and democratic order.”

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