
2009 German-Polish Prize

04.12.2009 - Press release

Die Jury des Deutsch-Polnischen Preises hat beschlossen, den Preis im Jahr 2009 an die polnische Literaturübersetzerin Malgorzata Lukasiewicz und den deutschen Literaturübersetzer Karl Dedecius zu vergeben. Beide haben sich durch ihre Übersetzer- und Herausgebertätigkeit um die Verbreitung der deutschen Literatur in Polen und der polnischen Literatur in Deutschland verdient gemacht.

The jury for the German-Polish Prize has decided to award this year’s prize to the Polish literature translator Malgorzata Lukasiewicz and the German literature translator Karl Dedecius. Through their translating and editing, the award winners have greatly contributed to the dissemination of German literature in Poland and Polish literature in Germany.

In this commemorative year 2009, an additional special prize will be awarded to former Polish President Lech Walesa, who also served as the chairman of the Polish trade union Solidarnosc, and to former Federal President Richard von Weizsäcker.

The prizes will be awarded on 18 December in Berlin.

The German-Polish Treaty on Good-Neighbourliness of 17 June 1991 envisages the annual awarding of the German-Polish Prize to recognize special services to German-Polish relations. Last year’s Prize was awarded in Warsaw in December 2008 to Action Reconciliation – Service for Peace and the Krzyżowa Foundation for Mutual Understanding in Europe.

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