Federal Minister Westerwelle welcomes IAEA resolution on Iran
Commenting on the resolution on Iran adopted by the Board of Governors of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Federal Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle issued the following statement on 27 November in Berlin:
”The IAEA’s adoption of the resolution on Iran initiated by the E3 plus 3 countries demonstrates that the international community wants to continue its dialogue with Iran, but time is running out. Tehran must finally be completely transparent and reveal the nature and extent of its nuclear programme to the IAEA and fulfil its obligations to the international community. Our hand remains outstretched. I hope that Iran will take it. It should be clear to Iran that our patience has its limits.“
Together with its E3 plus 3 partners (France, the United Kingdom, China, Russia and the United States) Germany initiated a resolution on the Iranian nuclear programme within the IAEA Board of Governors. The resolution was adopted with 25 votes in favour, three votes against and six abstentions. The resolution states that Iran is still failing to meet many of its international obligations with regard to its nuclear programme and calls on the country to cooperate fully with the IAEA and the international community.