
Federal Minister Westerwelle congratulates new ZdK President Alois Glück

20.11.2009 - Press release

Today (20 November) Alois Glück was elected as the new President of the Central Committee of German Catholics (ZdK). Federal Minister Guido Westerwelle sent him the following letter of congratulation:

“Dear President, dear Mr Glück, I warmly congratulate you on today’s election as President of the Central Committee of German Catholics.

In you the ZdK has chosen as its leader an experienced and committed Catholic and politician who has been a member of this body for almost three decades and who identifies closely with its aims. As the ZdK’s new President I am sure you will make your mark both on its societal activities and on next year’s Ecumenical Church Conference in Munich.

I wish you every success, stamina and God’s blessing in your new position.”

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