
Federal Minister Steinmeier on the earthquake in Indonesia

01.10.2009 - Press release

Today (1 October) Federal Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier conveyed his condolences to the Indonesian Foreign Minister N. Hassan Wirajuda in the wake of the devastating earthquake off the coast of Sumatra. The letter read as follows:

“I am deeply shocked as I continue to follow the reports of the devastating earthquake in Sumatra that has claimed so many lives and caused such widespread damage. I would like to express my heartfelt sympathy to you, also on behalf of my fellow Germans.

At this difficult time, our thoughts are with the family members and friends of the victims as well as with those who lost everything they owned in the disaster. Along with you, we hope the people who are still missing will be rescued unharmed. I wish the injured a speedy recovery.

We know that Indonesia will do everything in its power to relieve the suffering of the people in Sumatra. I assure you that Germany is prepared to stand side by side with you as you work to overcome this challenge and will provide support in every way we can. That is why today the German Government has already begun making arrangements to provide emergency aid.”

Today the Federal Foreign Office made one million euro in emergency aid available to the affected region.

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