Human Rights Commissioner Nooke on Universal Children’s Day
Günter Nooke, the Federal Government Commissioner for Human Rights Policy, issued the following statement on Universal Children’s Day on 20 September:
“It goes without saying that we must prepare our children as well as possible for their future. For this is not just about their future but also about our own. People all over the world and in every culture agree on that – the Convention on the Rights of the Child, signed 20 years ago this year, is the most successful of all conventions.
And yet, many children are without protection – and thus without rights. All over the world. Taking action against human rights violations committed against children is a central plank of German policy, especially foreign policy. However, it must not be restricted to the political arena. We all have a part to play in defending children’s human rights. The decisions made by consumers can influence whether child labour is banned. In families we can make it clear that all human rights also apply to children: it is just as impermissible to hit children and subject them to violence as it is to hit any other human being.
I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank all those who champion children’s rights, regardless of whether they do so in an organized form. 20 September is also your day!”