
Africa is coming! Young potentials from sub-Saharan Africa in the Federal Foreign Office

17.09.2009 - Press release

Relations between Germany and sub-Saharan Africa have become closer in recent years. At the political level, cooperation with Africa was one of the priorities of the German G8 Presidency. With “Aktion Afrika”, the Federal Foreign Office launched a comprehensive programme of intensive cultural cooperation with Africa.

But business relations between Germany and sub-Saharan Africa have also grown in importance in recent years. German businesses have therefore set up International Leadership Training for Sub-Saharan Africa, which enables young potentials from the region to complete a six-month placement in a leading German company and engage in tailor-made further training.

At the end of the programme, the 20 participants find out more about the Federal Foreign Office and German policy on Africa.

State Secretary Peter Ammon will give a speech, which will be open to the press.

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