
Federal Minister Steinmeier shocked by death of Russian human rights activist

11.08.2009 - Press release

The head of the Russian NGO “Let’s Save the Generation”, Zarema Sadulayeva, and her husband were abducted yesterday and found dead today (11 August) near Grozny (Chechnya).

Federal Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier issued the following statement in Berlin today (11 August) condemning this murder:

“I am shocked by the murders of Zarema Sadulayeva and her husband and utterly condemn this cowardly act.

They both campaigned tirelessly and courageously for the rights of children and young people who have fallen victim to violence in Chechnya. This crime must now be cleared up quickly, the perpetrators and instigators found and brought to justice.

I also want to take this opportunity to appeal once more to the authorities in charge of the investigation into the murder of Natalia Estemirova to solve the case.”

The NGO Spasjom Pokolenije (Let’s Save the Generation) is a humanitarian organization established to work with children and young people who have fallen victim to violence in Chechnya. In particular, it organizes medical treatment and artificial limbs for Chechen children. In the past it has also collaborated with German doctors.

Natalia Estemirova, a prominent member of the North Caucasus office of the Russian NGO Memorial, was abducted by unidentified men in Grozny (Chechnya) on 15 July and later found dead in the neighbouring Russian republic of Ingushetia.

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