
UN Special Rapporteur on racism visits Germany: invitation to press conference

29.06.2009 - Press release

Germany has issued a standing invitation to all UN Human Rights Council Special Rapporteurs. Professor Githu Muigai, the Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance appointed by the United Nations Human Rights Council, has been visiting Germany between 21 June and 1 July.

Prof. Muigai has been conducting talks with representatives of the Federal Government, the Länder, NGOs, the German Institute for Human Rights, the churches and non-Christian religious communities. Apart from Berlin, the Special Rapporteur's trip has taken him to Cologne, Heidelberg, Stuttgart, Nuremberg, Leipzig, Hamburg and Rostock, where he has visited specific anti-racism programmes and activities.

At the end of his visit, Prof. Muigai will hold a press conference to report on his experiences in Germany.

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