
Federal Minister Steinmeier to meet Italian Foreign Minister Frattini

17.04.2009 - Press release

This coming Monday (20 April) Federal Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier will meet for talks with Franco Frattini, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Italy. In addition to the earthquake in Abruzzo, the meeting will focus primarily on current issues in European and international politics as well as on bilateral relations between Italy and Germany.

Following their bilateral meeting at the Federal Foreign Office, the Ministers will give speeches at the 7th German-Italian Discussion Forum titled “Designing Global Governance”, in which they will address the EU's role in mastering global challenges such as the financial and economic crisis, climate change or Europe's energy supplies.

The Forum is an important platform for dialogue that enables a regular exchange of views between German and Italian figures from the fields of politics, business, academia and civil society. Specifically, participants in Monday's forum will discuss positions on, and problem-solving approaches for, the topics “The Financial and Economic Crisis – A Common European Approach?”, “Global Energy and Climate Policy – Europe as a Driving Force?” and “G8, G20 and Beyond: What Role Does the EU Play?”.

The Forum's sponsors, the German Institute for European Politics (IEP) and the Istituto per gli Studi di Politica Internazionale (ISPI), were charged with organizing the Forum in coordination with the Foreign Ministries of the two countries.

Read more on Germany's bilateral relations to Italy:

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