
Steinmeier welcomes US willingness to negotiate directly with Iran

10.04.2009 - Press release

“The US Administration's decision in future to participate directly in E3+3 talks with Iran emphasizes how serious it is about rethinking American policy towards Iran. ... I appeal to Iran to seize this opportunity for a new start in Iranian-American relations after the long years of non-communication”, says Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier.

Frank-Walter Steinmeier today (10 April) issued the following statement on the US Administration's decision to participate in direct negotiations with Iran over its nuclear programme:

“The US Administration's decision in future to participate directly in E3+3 talks with Iran emphasizes how serious it is about rethinking American policy towards Iran.

Direct US participation in these talks gives further weight to the American offer to put relations with Iran on a fundamentally new footing.

I appeal to Iran to seize this opportunity for a new start in Iranian-American relations after the long years of non-communication. What is important now is not unnecessary provocations but constructive steps aimed at building mutual confidence.”

On Wednesday (8 April) the Political Directors of the E3+3 (Germany, United Kingdom, France, United States, Russia, China) had agreed in London that Javier Solana, the European Union's High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy, should invite a top official of the Iranian Government to a meeting with representatives of the E3+3. A meeting of E3+3 foreign ministers is also planned in the near future.

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