
Bosnia and Herzegovina: Steinmeier meets new EU Special Representative Valentin Inzko

18.03.2009 - Press release

At his first meeting with the new High Representative and EU Special Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Dr Valentin Inzko, Frank-Walter Steinmeier backed the unity of the country. “There is no way round Dayton”, Steinmeier said referring to the treaty that ended the war in Bosnia in 1995.

Federal Foreign Minister Dr Frank-Walter Steinmeier today had a first meeting with the new High Representative and EU Special Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Dr Valentin Inzko. Their main topic of discussion was the current domestic situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina. They also talked about the international community's intended closure of the Office of the High Representative and the resulting move to an EU Special Representative with an extended mandate.

Federal Foreign Minister Steinmeier issued the following statement after the meeting today (18 March):

“In Ambassador Inzko a person with an excellent knowledge of the region is taking over as High Representative and EU Special Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

He takes over the job at a critical time; developments in Bosnia and Herzegovina in recent months have not been pleasing. It is important now that all in positions of responsibility commit themselves to continuing the reforms and to sticking to the Dayton Agreement.

Like my colleagues in the EU, I am very concerned about the flamboyant rhetoric, particularly that coming from the Republika Srpska. Everyone involved must be quite clear about one thing: there is no way round Dayton, the country's unity is not at issue, and there will be no EU perspective for individual part-republics.

On Monday the EU Foreign Ministers once again reiterated their full support to the European perspective of Bosnia and Herzegovina as a whole. We intend to work with the new EU Special Representative to actively support the country as it moves closer towards the EU.”

Read more on Germany's bilateral relations to Bosnia and Herzegovina:

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