
Federal Minister Steinmeier congratulates Hillary Clinton

22.01.2009 - Press release

As part of the transition to the new American Administration, yesterday Hillary Clinton was officially sworn in as the new Secretary of State of the United States of America after being confirmed by the US Senate. Federal Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier warmly congratulated his new counterpart. The congratulatory letter, sent yesterday (21 January), read as follows:

“Since you were nominated by President Obama many countries have been preparing to work with you to fill relations between the United States of America and the international community with new life. Over the last few days you have spoken about the United States' desire to construct a world with more friends and fewer opponents. You've said your foreign policy will be based on principles and pragmatism, on goals shared with other nations in order to work together to overcome hate, violence, lawlessness and despair.

I would like to offer you my full support for this policy. Building on solid German-American relations, which have united us in a spirit of close friendship for many years, let us work together to find solutions to the greatest challenges of our time: the conflict in the Middle East, climate change, the Iranian nuclear program and the financial crisis, just to name a few.

Allow me to wish you good luck, strength, courage and every success in carrying out the duties of your office. I look forward to meeting with you soon and to our intensive, partnership-based cooperation.”

Read more on Germany's bilateral relations to the USA:

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