
Statement by Foreign Ministers Gabriel and Le Drian on the award of the Franco German Prize for Human Rights

04.12.2017 - Press release

Foreign Ministers Sigmar Gabriel and Jean Yves Le Drian issued the following joint statement in Paris today (4 December):

Our two countries are underscoring the universality of human rights by awarding the Franco German Prize for Human Rights and the Rule of Law this year to 15 laureates from around the world.

We are honouring and supporting human rights defenders all over the world who work tirelessly to protect and promote human rights.

Background Information:

This is the second year in which France and Germany are awarding the Franco German Prize for Human Rights and the Rule of Law to coincide with Human Rights Day on 10 December. The Prize is intended to honour and support people who have distinguished themselves by protecting and promoting human rights in their homeland, in other countries or at international level, or who have launched initiatives to promote the rule of law. By awarding this Prize, France and Germany are clearly signalling their commitment to human rights and their collaboration in this field. This year the awards will be presented to the winners by the French and German Ambassadors in the countries where they live.

The winners in 2017 are:
Adilur Rahman Khan (Bangladesh), Nounongnon Balbylas Gbaguidi (Benin), Gracia Violeta Ross Quiroga (Bolivia), Ragia Omran (Egypt), César Ricaurte (Ecuador), Abdullah Al Khonaini (Kuwait), Bekim Asani (FYR Macedonia), Mandira Sharma (Nepal), Grace Osakue (Nigeria), Rosemarie Trajano (Philippines), Elena Milashina (Russia), Shreen Abdul Saroor (Sri Lanka), Kerem Altiparmak (Turkey), Pavlo Lysianskyi (Ukraine), Liliana Ortega Mendoza (Venezuela)


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